Originally from Veracruz, Mexico, Javier Barrera Cervantes is an Indianapolis-based web designer and developer. He is a founding board member of the Latino Youth Collective, a program that provides resources and opportunities for youth to engage in personal and community development through critical pedagogy, grassroots organizing and collective action.

Barrera also serves as the director of the Campecine Youth Academy, a summer research program that trains and employs youth to conduct research and enact social change in their community.

Big Idea: The Don’t Give a F#$@ Generation”

A look into a generation of information overload, civic disengagement, and lack of collective action. Civic disengagement and servant leadership are some of the most pressing challenges of today’s generation. How should we prepare our youth to face the challenges of the 21st century, an era of information overload, pervasive social media marketing, and the lack of a persistent sense of historical conscience?  Look at models of youth engaging in personal and community development through critical pedagogy, grassroots organizing, and collective action.

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