Michael Idinopulos is an executive, blogger, and speaker exploring the intersection of technology and organizational behavior.

Idinopulos is currently General Manager and Chief Customer Officer at Socialtext, the company that launched the Enterprise 2.0 movement by bringing the first social software inside corporate, nonprofit, and government organizations. Before joining Socialtext, Michael was a consultant and global Director of Knowledge Technology with premier strategy consultancy McKinsey & Company, where he led pioneering enterprise deployments of blogs, wikis, and social networking.

Michael holds a Ph.D. in philosophy from U.C. Berkeley. Michael lives digitally at @michaelido and Socialtext’s blog. In the real world, he lives in Philadelphia with his wife and three children.

Big Idea: “Mr. Manager, Tear Down These (Digital) Walls!”

Organizations increasingly use open floor plans as a way to stimulate ideation and cross-silo collaboration. But in the digital world–where most of us really work these days–employees are still locked in private offices. Social software in the workplace is changing that. It’s a whole new way to manage a whole new type of organization.

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